Vauren ICT Network Services

High-quality, fast, and personalized network services for all needs and projects.

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Our Services

Choose Your Hosting Service

Game Hosting

Suitable for small and
medium sites.

Starting at $ 5.00 / month

Cloud Services

For sites with high traffic
and large projects.

Starting at $ 2.50 / month

VPS Hosting

Dedicated resources for
scaling your add-ons.

Starting at $ 3.00 / month

What sets us apart?

Performance, Variation, and Support

Vauren ICT offers clients with a variety of service packages to fit any needs from private game servers with friends, to large multi-platform communities.

Compared to competitors VICT offers simple, straight forward pricing, without any long-term agreements. Say goodbye to lock-in contracts, and say hello to flexibility!

Finally we understand the frustration of auto-responding support bots, and lengthy waits to speak to a technician. Vauren ICT offers personalized support, always one-on-one with a VICT Technician, or Agent.

Developed on a Modern Infrastructure

Our goal is to give individuals and development groups alike the tools and platforms needed to launch their projects!

Power at our core.

Reliability and speed are a necessity in regards to the backbone of your project.

Whether you are hosting a game server, or developing on a vps. Vauren ICT systems are fitted with top of the line hardware, and is secured within our own data-center.